Khirpai a small town in Paschim Midnapur was once quite famous for its handloom, brass metal industry and cultivation of indigo. Probably this helped in according the status of a municipality under British rule in the year 1876. History of this town demands that it also had the status of a port, as mentioned in the old map by Mr. Ronald. The ruins of the old ‘neel kuthi’ can still be seen here. Khirpai was quite famous in the production of ‘muslin’ too. It had a market in Kolkata and also in Kuttack in Orissa. The town is the birthplace of Dinamayee Devi – wife of legendary social reformer Shri Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar. But even after 131 years of its coming into existence as a Municipality, Khirpai is still the smallest municipal town in West Bengal, in terms of population, revenue, income generation and development. In the first 100 years the municipality has passed through deprivation from the higher level. There was no government grant for improvement and the revenue of the municipality was very less itself as the source of income was very few. Now a day, Khirpai has started moving on the path of development. Khirpai Municipality being established in 1876 is an old town with historical importance and dynamic character in growth. Khirpai Municipality, though a small one in geographical areas and population in comparison to many others has already proved its worth and over ridding role in a wide range of urban services to more than 20 thousand citizens. In conformity with the outlines of plans formulated by the authorities, this municipality with the help and active participation of all sections of the people has been able to draw out schemes with their implementations in the desired manner. As such we are now in a position to achieve significant development in water generation, solid west disposal, road development, garbage disposal as well as drainage management and further expecting to cover the other uncovered spheres of activities towards better services to the citizens but there is no reason to cherish self-contentment and I have no hesitation to admit that a section of our citizens are still living in slums amidst thousands of hazards. They are next to being covered with better shelter and environments. The area of Khirpai Municipality is 11.65 sq. km. there are 4 Nos of Panchayats adjacent to Khirpai Municipality.